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Text: Why some men like to be Maids
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Why some men like to be Maids

When I started out as a mistress, I didn't only train girls in uniform. I also ran a dressing service for TVs who wanted to wear other types of clothes, whether glamourous evening gowns, tarty provocative clothes or normal daywear. Gradually though, I came to realise that it would be simpler just to run the training service, because this was what most of my customers wanted.
I had adverts placed in some specialised magazines, and a few other places, saying that I was a dominant mistress who trained men as female maids, and within a day I had ten calls. It seems that being a maid is very popular, and many men love the submissiveness of it. For the first two years, my training courses were only an hour or two in length, but at the request of my clients I started lengthening it so that, if you were willing to pay, you could be trained for up to a week. This was when I brought in my three stage course of schoolgirl, maid and nurse.
However, even though I ran plenty of long, residential courses of days or a week, there were still people wanting the maid courses over an hour or two. There were even people who just phoned me, asked about the maid training and asked me to describe the uniform they would wear, then hung up. I found out from one of my trainees later that several people he knew who had never dared do a training course would just phone up and ask for those details and get aroused by them, as you might expect.
All this time, I was wondering to myself, what is it about being a maid that is so attractive to cross-dressers? Well, a part of it is the uniform. Men's clothes are so boring and dull. You can wear trousers, shirts, t-shirts, shorts and jumpers and flat boring shoes. You can wear tight clothes if you want, but not that tight really, usually. A french maid's uniform, on the other hand, has silk or satin underwear which is delightfully soft, often with contrasting scratchy lace edges. You might wear a corset, which can shape your figure and be tight and hard over your stomach, making you look like a woman. There will be stockings, so tight and smooth over your legs, like a sexy second skin and then there is the dress itself. Made of a lovely soft fabric, it'll be tight around your waist and bust, with beautifully puffed sleeves which come down tight above your elbows. The neckline is scooped and lacy, and the skirt is flared out, with a lace petticoat flirtily peeking out. There can be ruffled lace at the sleeves, and a darling little cap with ribbons on your head. Then there's the pinny, the mark of servitude, with a little apron with frilly edges and a belt tied in a bow at the back of your waist. You might even have tight high heels, making you stand on tip toe and emphasising your long smooth legs.
The whole uniform is completely feminine. There is no way that anyone in a french maid's uniform can be masculine. The tightness, the skirt, the frills and the whole aura surrounding a maid is that of submissive femininity. It is a classic female role which many men are willing to fill. I have even met men who do not want to dress in any other feminine clothes, but still want to be a maid and want to serve a woman.
When I am training a maid, I always make sure that I dress the part. Usually I wear a fairly tight white blouse, usually with a high neck and a ruffled front, along with a knee-length black skirt and seamed black silk stockings. My trainees prefer me to wear high heels, and I make sure that my manner is always superior and I am always in control. A large part of their excitement comes from the fact that they are totally under my control and I can force them to do whatever I say, punishing them as I see fit.
For a maid, the mistress must always be the object of her attention. If her attention wanders, if she fails to obey then she will be disciplined and a significant portion of any maid's training is making sure that she always, always obeys her mistress.
Furthermore, the role of a maid, especially the way I train girls, is a twenty four hour role. In my service, a maid is always female and any reference whether in her actions or words to maleness is punished, fairly severely in most cases. This, of course, enforces chastity which, as you might expect, is a part of maid service and enable you to control your maid much better, if she depends on you for relief. By the simple expedient of watching your maid during the day, and taking the simple step of cuffing her hands in a way that restricts their movement during the night, your maid can be denied pleasure for as long as you see fit.
A lot of men also enjoy the discipline which can be a part of service, wanting to be punished for transgressions, from failure to obey or sufficiently serve you. They crave the feel of a hand on their bottom or a paddle, or a strap and though there are many psychological reasons that could be given, one of the most basic is the fact that they want to feel like naughty girls, like little girls who were caught doing something wrong. The punishment pushes them further into the role, because if they weren't really a maid, they wouldn't really be punished, now would they?
The position of a maid's paddling, taken over a stern woman's knee, their panties and/or bottom revealed when their skirt is thrown up: the whole position is very humiliating and, like the subsequent punishment, reinforces their inferior role. You can control their body as you see fit. Of course, there is also an erotic aspect to be held over a woman's lap, almost able to have intercourse with her, but not quite. This however is just a tease for the maid as a Mistress should not have sex with her maid, since this would almost certainly break the formal relationship which a maid and mistress have. The only exception is that a mistress may demand to be satisfied orally or manually by a maid, but should never allow the maid full physical gratification.

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