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eMail: Florian

hallo leo,

ich wünsche dir alles gute für deine zukunft

eMail: W
Hello there,

I"m quite sure this is not the first letter you receive from strangers.

Most of them are talking about how much pretty and sensual you are and they are interested in having coffee or diner with you.

Well, we both know that, they just wants to satisfy there fantasies though trying not to be so direct.

I am not different to be honest, though I prefer to be crystal clear. I am 32 happily married male interested in the new experience, though I beleive non of us can decisde if the other is the right choice through the emails.

I am not from Austria, but i"m expected to visit Vienna for short term (one week) soon.

I do not know if you live in Vienna or another city and not sure if your city is not far so it"s possible to have a little meeting enough to make the decesion of going further step or just stay as freinds.

Well this is honest breif about my thinking and would love to hear what in your mind.

Thanks and best regards.
eMail: Desirè
Wollte mich nur wieder einmal melden, habe meine Seite ein wenig aufgepept und neue Fotos reingestellt. Würde mich freuen wieder einmal etwas von Dir zu hören, LG Desirè

Gästebuch 240 Zugriffe